
Underwater Pictures

Underwater Pics

Elpida Wreck Pics – enjoy guided dives with us

padi divecenter-private guided scuba diving-elpida wreck cyprus

The Elpida is the largest of several ships sunk to strengthen the marine ecosystem and restore marine life off Cyprus. The Elpida was sunk on 7 December 2019, so is still quite „young as a wreck“ and therefore well preserved.

Elpida, translates as hope, in active service she was a Greek container ship. Now she lies upright at a depth of just under 30m on the seabed.

The Eplida is about 70 m long and 10 m wide, so that you as a diver can make a very extensive dive here, because the main deck of this impressive wreck lies between 20 and 22 m, so that there is enough no-decompression time.

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Zenobia Wreck – inside the wreck

The 172 meter long Zenobia wreck is the best wreck dive in the Mediterranean and one of the best dive sites in the world.

Our Zenobia Inside programm includes 2 dives at the Zenobia wreck, including the required diving equipment, even Wing and Twin-Tank.

You are interested? Then let’s make unforgettable dives together, adapted to your wishes and skills.

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Cape Greco

Our dive site in Cape Greco National Park, it is one of the most natural and unspoilt dive sites in Cyprus. From the rocks on the shore you can immediately see how crystal clear and breathtaking this dive will be.

A perfect first impression, which only intensifies during the dive. The caves and tunnels we can dive through here offer not only bizarre light shows but also the full cave diving feeling. The dive site is suitable for all levels. more »

Zenobia Wreck

Often referred to as the Titanic of the Med, the Zenobia is regularly voted one of the top 5 or 10 wreck dive sites in the world.

Dive here and you’ll see why. Our Zenobia Wreck programm includes 2 dives at the Zenobia wreck.

You are interested? Then let’s make unforgettable dives together, adapted to your wishes and who know´s, if you want more.
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Green Bay

Green Bay is a picturesque bay and part of the Cape Greco Nature Conservation Project. Here in the crystal clear waters and among the colourful pebbles, our marine life is re-evolving as it once was in days gone by.

The dive site offers a wonderful insight into the underwater world of Cyprus, where large schools of sea bream and also turtles are frequently encountered. Other species at this dive site include cornetfish, squid, octopus, wrasse, parrotfish, pipefish, rainbowfish and starfish. more »

Musan – Underwater Sculpture Park

Marine life loves artificial reefs. They are places where marine flora and fauna find pleasant conditions.

So ultimately, Musan’s underwater sculpture park becomes a new home for marine life, and MUSAN is just that – the first underwater museum in the Mediterranean that is also a „work of art“ itself.

You want to be part of it? We are here for you.

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Protaras Wrecks

The Liberty was sunk in May 2009 to create an artificial reef and to strengthen and restore marine life.

The Liberty was a small Russian freighter, 37 m long and 10 m wide. The wreck is only about 1 km from the coast and is therefore easily accessible by boat.

The Nemesis was an ocean-going trawler that sank near the Liberty in 2013.

The Nemesis stands completely upright on the seabed, which couldn’t be better for photos and getting inside the wreck. Hatches, doors and the engine room are safe to dive through. more »

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