
März 2024

St. Hilarion Castle – private tour to the mighty castle in Cyprus

private guided tour St. Hilarion Castle-private guide cyprus-best places to see at cyprusSt Hilarion Castle stands at 732m and is very well preserved. Walls and towers seem to grow randomly out of the rock, giving the castle a fairytale appearance. It is even said that Walt Disney used it as a model for the castle in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

The castle is named after a hermit who fled Palestine in the 7th century to live up here and rid the mountain of pagan demons. The story goes that the hermit was deaf and so easily resisted the seductive calls of the demons that haunted the mountain. Eventually the demons gave in and left Hilarion and the mountain alone. A Byzantine monastery and later a fortress were built around his tomb.

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Larnaca – Pics from private guided city tour

best places cyprus-private guided tours cyprus-visit larnaca with private guideWelcome to our exclusive photo gallery, featuring the breathtaking sights of Larnaca, Cyprus.

Through these captivating images, we invite you to explore the rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and unique attractions that make Larnaca a must-visit destination. Let our photos inspire you to book a private and personalized tour with Sancytours.

Larnaca, one of the oldest cities in Cyprus, is known for its historical landmarks, beautiful beaches, and vibrant culture. Our tours highlight the best of Larnaca, offering you an immersive experience that blends history, nature, and local charm.

Inspired by our stunning photos? Take the next step and book your private tour of Larnaca with Sancy Tours. Click the Button left to start your adventure and explore the hidden gems of this beautiful city.

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