
März 2024

Advanced Diving – Your individual diving in Cyprus

private scuba diving guide-advanced diver-diving cyprus-tec diving cyprusTechnical Diving – Wreck Diving – Cave Diving. Your dive adventure in Cyprus with your private Guide or Instructor – Click here for more informations

Tunnels & Caves – Adventure Dive or Try Dive possible

Discover the magic of diving with an Try dive at the Tunnels and Caves dive site in Cyprus. Immerse yourself in a fascinating underwater world full of hidden secrets and natural beauty.

Discover underwater tunnels and mysterious caves inhabited by an array of marine life. From colourful fish to fascinating rock formations, there is plenty to discover and explore.

Our introductory dive at Tunnels and Caves is suitable for both beginners and experienced divers. Dive in and experience an unforgettable journey into the fascinating world beneath the surface of the Mediterranean.

Try Dive / Discover Scuba Diving 129 Euro/pers. or Dive Adventure Event price 99 Euro/pers.

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Cape Greco

Our dive site in Cape Greco National Park, it is one of the most natural and unspoilt dive sites in Cyprus. From the rocks on the shore you can immediately see how crystal clear and breathtaking this dive will be.

A perfect first impression, which only intensifies during the dive. The caves and tunnels we can dive through here offer not only bizarre light shows but also the full cave diving feeling. The dive site is suitable for all levels. more »

Cave Diver * Course with your private dive instructor

dive in larnaca-cave diving-private dive course

Cave diving can also be done safely by recreational divers. For the first step, however, you already need a few pieces of equipment that are essential for survival in cave diving. In this course we will show you special diving skills in addition to this equipment.

Cave diving requires self-reflection and discipline.

To learn to dive safely and relaxed in sea caves, grottos and caverns, you should prepare yourself conscientiously. How? You will learn this individually and purposefully with us in the CMAS/IDA Cave * Diver Course.
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