
März 2024

Varosha Ghosttown – Cyprus time has stopped

private guide-cyprus-famagusta-varosha-ghost town-10 best places at cyprusIn Varosha, the ghost town of Cyprus, time stood still in 1974. This exciting tour offers a real leap back in time. Perfect for pairing with Famagusta or ancient Salamis.

Famagusta Old Town & Varosha Ghosttown – Tour with your private guide

Famagusta-private-guide_tour-cyprus-varosha ghosttown-10 best places at cyprus

Our private guided tour to Famagusta and Varosha takes you from the present day to the Middle Ages with mighty cathedrals, churches and a walled city, on to a time, when a vibrant tourist metropolis turned into a ghost town.

Don’t worry, we don’t go on long walks and give endless lectures. Of course, we answer all questions, provide background information and let the „pictures“ take effect.

Let’s do a time walk – book now

Tour price  349 Euro for two persons, each additional 89 Euro
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Varosha – Explore a ghost town in Cyprus with a private guide

private guide-cyprus-famagusta-varosha-ghost town-10 best places at cyprusAfter the Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in 1571, Christians were expelled from Famagusta and forced to build new homes outside the walls. After independence from Great Britain, Varosha developed into a well-known tourist resort in the 1960s and 1970s. Large hotel complexes were built near the beach.

A year before the civil war and the Turkish invasion, Varosha was generating more than 50% of the island’s total income from tourism. There were now 45 hotels with more than 10,000 beds, 60 apartment hotels, almost 100 recreation centres, 21 banks, 24 theatres and cinemas and around 3,000 large and small shops. The population was just under 32,000.

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Lost Places – Coppermine route

Coppermine route cyprusFor centuries, Cyprus was the largest producer and exporter of copper in the ancient world. Pure copper and its alloys not only brought wealth to the island, but also formed the basis for the development of its great civilisations. These, in turn, undoubtedly contributed
to the technical progress of the entire Mediterranean world.

But, as is always the case, over time many of the mining areas were exploited and then simply forgotten. Sancytours is very attached to the island and is always on the lookout for such forgotten places. Join us in our search for forgotten and lost places and come with us to former mines, now covered by nature.

Tour group price from 299 Euro
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