
März 2024

Advanced Diving – Your individual diving in Cyprus

private scuba diving guide-advanced diver-diving cyprus-tec diving cyprusTechnical Diving – Wreck Diving – Cave Diving. Your dive adventure in Cyprus with your private Guide or Instructor – Click here for more informations

Adventure dives – Private guided – best spots in Cyprus

Enjoy some of the best dive sites in Cyprus with your „own“ guide, your private guide. Only you and the divers you book can enjoy your dive without any hectic and stress. If you want to do a second dive or a second dive site on the same day, it’s no problem. Just let us know and we will arrange everything.

Find your match, we look forward to seeing you.

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Elpida Wreck Pics – enjoy guided dives with us

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The Elpida is the largest of several ships sunk to strengthen the marine ecosystem and restore marine life off Cyprus. The Elpida was sunk on 7 December 2019, so is still quite „young as a wreck“ and therefore well preserved.

Elpida, translates as hope, in active service she was a Greek container ship. Now she lies upright at a depth of just under 30m on the seabed.

The Eplida is about 70 m long and 10 m wide, so that you as a diver can make a very extensive dive here, because the main deck of this impressive wreck lies between 20 and 22 m, so that there is enough no-decompression time.

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Zenobia Wreck – inside the wreck

The 172 meter long Zenobia wreck is the best wreck dive in the Mediterranean and one of the best dive sites in the world.

Our Zenobia Inside programm includes 2 dives at the Zenobia wreck, including the required diving equipment, even Wing and Twin-Tank.

You are interested? Then let’s make unforgettable dives together, adapted to your wishes and skills.

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Cape Greco

Our dive site in Cape Greco National Park, it is one of the most natural and unspoilt dive sites in Cyprus. From the rocks on the shore you can immediately see how crystal clear and breathtaking this dive will be.

A perfect first impression, which only intensifies during the dive. The caves and tunnels we can dive through here offer not only bizarre light shows but also the full cave diving feeling. The dive site is suitable for all levels. more »

Diving 3 days – soft and easy

Our Soft&Easy-Scuba-program will give you an impression of the underwater world of Cyprus in 3 days without it being exhausting.

Just enjoy schools of fish, turtles and one underwater sculpture park.

You are welcome to bring your partner on these days, even if you will only be diving alone. The crystal-clear water invites to swim or snorkel, or just chill out for a while. more »

Learn to dive – Our Courses – all totally individual

Learn to dive with Sancytours-Diving according to the internationally valid and recognised diving organisations PADI and IDA/CMAS. Our courses guarantee you very private supervision by experienced diving instructors who are 100% focussed on you and your needs. We organise your diving course in a compact format so that you can learn to dive during your holiday and still enjoy your holiday in Cyprus with family or friends.

Start now your Outdoor Adventure in Cyprus.

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PADI Divemaster

padi divemaster-diveguide-padi divecenter cyprus

PADI Divemaster, this level is always associated from your holiday experiences with the contact person on site, the person in charge on the dive boat or a liveaboard and someone who knows his way around perfectly and is always in a good mood.

Would you also like to be someone like that? .

Then take a PADI Divemaster course with us and combine your next holiday with your own further education, individually and purposefully.
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New Video – Musan

Watch our new video from the Underwater Sculpture Park Musan.

If you would like to enjoy it live, contact us per Email: service@sancytours.com


Explore Elpida Wreck

Kremiotis Waterfall – like a fairytale

Green Bay – often with surprises

Elpida Wreck – More than one dive is worthwhile here

Green Bay – Scuba diving for everyone

Larnaca – Here you will find culture, history and modernity.

Musan – Underwater Scupture Park

Adventure Dive at Musan Underwater Park in Cyprus with a private guide

The Musan Sculpture Park in Agia Napa is completely underwater. Here you can explore about 100 larger-than-life sculptures, figures, trees, free art.

And you can see how the maritime life feels at home here and is becoming more and more populated. Schools of fish, squid, moray eels and much more have found a new home here.

Sometimes we even have a visit from seals and turtles.

Adventure Dive Event price 99 Euro or  Try Dive / Discover Scuba Diving 129 Euro/pers.

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